Uudised ja sündmused

Seminar “Ethics of AI: A hindrance of innovation or an engine of good research?“

We invite you to a public seminar titled “Ethics of AI: a hindrance of innovation or an engine of good research?“ on 28 November at 10:00 in the UT Delta …

Follow-up: Data Science Seminar “AI in action: success stories and lessons learned”

On 24 September, with the University of Tartu Institute of Computer, we hosted the Data Science Seminar “AI in action: success stories and lessons learned”, where several AI researchers and …

EXAI public event “AI in action: success stories and lessons learned”EXAI public event

AI achieves impressive results, but the path to success is often not straightforward. How do we decide where and how AI should be applied, and what technical challenges arise along …

Innovation Festival 2024 – artificial intelligence at the service of society (event is in estonian)

AI on hiilivalt sisenenud meie igapäevaellu. Kõik arutlevad AI kasutamise hüvede ja kahjude üle. Nii ka meie. Selle aasta TalTechi Innovatsioonifestival on pühendatud tehisintellekti tehnoloogiate arendamise võimaluste ja ühiskonna vajaduste …

21st Estonian Summer School on Computer and Systems Science (ESSCaSS 2024)

The Estonian Summer School in Computer and Systems Science is an annual international event for PhD and MSc students, postdocs, and faculty members. ESSCaSS promotes the interdisciplinary education of graduate …

Opening of the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence

Join us for the opening event of EXAI: Estonian Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence. Titled “Leading the Way with Trustworthy AI” this event will explore how we can build …